
Monday, October 25, 2010

Ready To Press Pause?

Five years ago today TLR popped into existence with a post called Why Here? Why Now?...It's hard to believe folks...

...Whether you've been here from the start or are a relative newbie--I hope  you have enjoyed my efforts to chronicle the film industry. I ask for your indulgence while I single out a bunch of folks who have meant great things to the blog over the last half of a decade

My buddy Joe for suggesting I take on the blogosphere in the first place...The Cast And Crew of my movie from a decade ago--MD for all things above & beyond on Crossroads (hope you are doing well), BT (no one handles a wet nap quite the way you do) MZ ("You Want Me To Really Hit Him?") Mrs D (and The Mr) for taking part and making me feel welcome every time I took up space in your home MF--for solving more than one problem and of course my Sar-Bear--Making me proud to be your FDU; Ditto for Allison K who read me every day; Professorial writer William N. Stape who keeps telling me how good the blog is; Matt K over at capesonfilm who sends shout outs about my stuff constantly....Mucho Thanks--My followers on Twitter @; My Facebook pals Eileen & Richard S....Dan P for telling me once that I should be working at Entertainment Weekly; Chuck B and His film students; My Dad and Mom Just Cuz I can... love you! .....Team Spontaneous (Jason Mayer And Deven Lobascio) Good Luck Boys as you move forward...And finally the cast/crew of 1978's Superman....

And now for that BIG ANNOUNCEMENT--After today I'm stepping back from a lot of multi-posting daily on TLR.Been looking for peeps to take over the blog since May; While I don't want to see it end entirely....Been feeling meh on the blog for quite some time--If I can't give you my readers--my Best--it's time for a change.

Any interested party can contact me about writing here via would stick around to oversee things and provide content now and then--If no one is found soon...I would then leave things dormant until I was ready to return full time (Next Year??)

Sorry if I have disappointed some of you--but I have to do this and the 5th B-day seemed like a good time...I will still be sending out movie news via Twitter as well--but TLR Facebook is done as of today.

Thanks for your loyalty and understanding over this decision--TLR WILL RETURN Full Time Soon...

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