
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No Wrath This Time

Badass is reporting from an insider that the much-talked about Khan Noonien Singh will NOT appear in the as yet Untitled Star Trek Sequel. But another classic character from The Original Star Trek TV Series will show up.

The source says that the film's story has now been settled, and "won't focus on a traditional villain type at all", but that it will feature a character (or characters) from Star Trek's first season.

The question of whom was met with "Hahahaha!", but said Source did say that, "It's definitely a character that will make fans of The Original Series excited. Think along the lines of Harcourt Harry Mudd or Trelane  or Gary Mitchell or the Talosians or the  Horta... Actually it's one of those that I named."

Kirk fights Gary Mitchell In TOS
I still say make all the classic Trek references you want--but the filmmakers would be wise to steer clear of doing a straight up retread--or making any of those mentioned here the film's focal point

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