
Friday, October 22, 2010

Once Frost Bitten

Before you read Jason Mayer's review of Frozen I wanted to publicly apologize to him for taking so long to post this but it's been...shall we say an interesting time for me professionally and personally....causing me to push back putting this up---SORRY Jay!

I was fortunate enough to catch the movie, FROZEN, in its limited release. Went opening night, February 2nd 2010. The best part of it all was that the crazy blizzard we had this past year in New Jersey, started that night. Go in the theater at 8sh come out around 10 and the beginning of all the snow was coming down, hard. Made FROZEN, that much better.

The movie centers around two best friends and a girlfriend. Joe (Shawn Ashmore), Dan (Kevin Zegers), and Parker (Emma Bell). The three friends snowboard at a discounted price at a ski lodge on Sunday. They go down the hill numerous times before taking a break and we find out that Joe is a little bothered that Dan’s girlfriend, Parker, came along. A lot of dialogue going on throughout this movie. 

The friends continue to go snowboarding down the hill. As night falls, the friends beg to go down one more time. They get on the ski lift and mistakenly someone believes there was no one else on the ski lift. He shuts down the system to go home. 

The three friends are now stuck on the ski lift, debating what to do to survive, when they know the ski resort doesn’t re-open until that Friday.

Now this movie is probably one of the tensest movies I’ve seen in a long time. 

Writer/director Adam Green always delivers with a job well done. First Hatchet Spiral producing  Grace, and now with Frozen..

The Frozen disc- came equipped with a commentary from the director and the 2 main actors. Also comes with three featurettes which I’m a total fan of as an aspiring filmmaker. The featurettes are very well put together. There are also three deleted scenes

I’m not a critic nor a reviewer but all I have to say is, with the winter season coming up, please go out and buy this movie. Check it out, rent it, do whatever you need to do besides illegally downloading the flick, to catch your eyes on this tense movie. 


Love how Jay says he's "not a reviewer" and yet he keeps wanting to write for me... I also saw the pic and loved it as well....Just purchased the Blu-Ray as a matter of fact...

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