
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jimmy Anne & Oscar!

A good looking pair of actors will host the Oscars next year says THR

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced that 127 Hours star James Franco, and Love and Other Drugs star Anne Hathaway will pair up to emcee the 2011 event--continuing the double-act hosting that Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin  began at the 2010 ceremony.

"James Franco and Anne Hathaway personify the next generation of Hollywood icons - fresh, exciting and multi-talented," said telecast producers  Bruce Cohen and Don Mischer "We hope to create an Oscars broadcast that will both showcase their incredible talents and entertain the world on February 27. We are completely thrilled that James and Anne will be joining forces with our brilliant creative team to do just that."

Lord knows Oscar needs a shot in the arm as a program I like Jimmy and Anne as actors Hoping they do well here Fingers Crossed...

THR wonders if Hosting the Oscars Help James Franco's and Anne Hathaway's Chances of Winning?...Hmmm

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