
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ladies Of The Knight

It's been generally excepted that director Christopher Nolan was meeting lead actresses for The Dark Knight Rises....

Now Deadline reports that Nolan will cast a female love interest for Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne and an unnamed female villain.

The actresses said to be in contention on this latest comic book film shortlist are Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts, Blake Lively, Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway and Keira Knightley.

Kinda surprised that the list that contains two actresses who are already love interests to superheroes: Portman plays Jane Foster opposite Chris Hemsworth's Thor, while Lively is Carol Ferris in Green Lantern, starring Ryan Reynolds; both of these films are out next summer.

ComicBookMovie reported earlier that Nolan has met with Charlize Theron for one part (a character named Sarah Essen) and Vera Farmiga and Kacie Thomas for another (said to be Julie Madison)

Reps for both Nolan and Warner Bros declined to comment on the casting process...

Assuming that CBM is even close to the truth some Bat Backstory  Sarah Essen was a good cop that tempted Batman ally James Gordon (Gary Oldman) to stray from his marriage in the great Batman: Year One --while Julie dates  back to the earliest Batman comics

Stay Tuned...

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