
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Supes Flyover

Deadline spoke with actor/director Ben Affleck about the December 17th Home Video bow of his Oscar buzzed film The Town, and got the chance to also ask him just how close he came to almost directing Superman: Man of Steel...

Affleck Played Actor George Reeves Who Was Supes In TV's Adventures Of Superman In Hollywoodland Back In '06

DEADLINE: Your films display an understanding of the under-class, and the working class and through that you've established your wheelhouse. Then there were rumors you considered directing Superman, which went to Zack Snyder What factors do you consider in where to go next? Do you need to do a mega-budget film as a director.

AFFLECK: The one benefit of having done all kinds of movies as an actor is, you learn the pros and cons of being tempted to do a really big movie because it costs a lot of money. With Superman, I think they're going to do a great version Chris Nolan is brilliant and they've got a great director for it. I've love to do something like Blade Runner, but a lesson I've learned is to not look at movies based on budget, how much they'll spend on effects, or where they will shoot. Story is what's important. Also, there are a lot of guys ahead of me on the list to do epic effects movies.

Like what Ben had to say about budgets--Ultimately it's all about the story and script without those you don't have a film no matter how good the effects may be....

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