
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

T And The Future Of TLR

Nearly one month ago I made the announcement that I was stepping back a bit from the blog--Heavy multi posting would be rare...

Truth is I have been feeling kinda Meh about TLR for the past 5 months or so...Well it's now late November and I still feel that way--Despite support from all corners and beyond..My readers telling me they enjoy TLR (which is the reason why I really do this.) I still feel meh..A month ago I wrote

Been looking for peeps to take over the blog since May; While I don't want to see it end entirely....Been feeling meh on the blog for quite some time--If I can't give you my readers--my Best--it's time for a change.

I had hoped to find some one to take over the day to day by now--while I would stick around to oversee things...

Also I have a lot of personal stuff going on that I Must See Myself Through
To that end I have been meeting with potential helpers but none have panned out very well...

I know what some of you are saying no biggie just take time off already...

I have therefore decided on a Dormant Date when Posting Will Be SUSPENDED (unless I find helpers by then or things change away from the blog..) I can then get my house in order and recharge my batteries and be back better than ever--The last day before the halt will be WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 15 2010 Marking the first time Superman The Movie theaters in 1978. The halt date seemed highly appropriate and timely..

How long  this will last is unknown--A week-A Month Longer? I felt I owed my loyal readers as much And I hope you plan to stick with TLR no matter what and rest assured I will keep you posted...

Thanks And all The Best

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