
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Why The World Needs Superman

A federal judge has just lifted the delay in the long-running Superman lawsuit, setting the stage for  Warner Bros.. to proceed with key depositions of the families of Man of Steel creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster says THR

Last month, the judge overseeing the case delayed the matter indefinitely as lawyers for everyone involved waited on an appeal of a procedural ruling that could have taken many months. WB challenged that ruling, and now U.S. District Judge Otis D. Wright has modified the order, allowing the studio to restart its information-gathering and "proceed with full discovery of [the creator duo's heirs]."

As the studio suits continue to fast-track its planned Christopher Nolan produced, Zack Snyder directed Superman: Man of Steel, The other side is fighting back hard against the studio and  DC Comics

I hope both sides really can work this out--Not just for the sake of the new film but for the sake of the character and its legacy as well....This may sound geeky but Supes is too important to Americana to be ripped apart like this....

Stay Tuned...

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