
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Score Card

In an exclusive chat with THR composer Hans-Zimmer about last week's news that he would be scoring Zack Snyder's Superman: Man of Steel...As it turns out he's not--at least not yet....

THR: The internet is buzzing with rumors that you’ve signed on to Zack Snyder’s Superman project. Any truth to that?

Hans Zimmer: You know, it’s like some dirty quote taken out of context. Let’s just be absolutely straight here: I have never in my life met Zack Snyder. I think I need to give him a ring...You know, I can’t even remember ever talking about Superman. It's a little bit, you know, it’s a little bit like "guilty by association" isn’t it?

THR: Because of Batman?

Zimmer: I met Chris Nolan once and he knows Zack Snyder and therefore I’m doing Superman. You know that’s all it is.

THR: It may stem from the fact a lot of people would like to see you take that project. Based on the Batman films.

Zimmer: How can I say it: My heart belongs to Batman. I wouldn’t even know how to go and give voice to it. I haven’t thought about it.

I Think Snyder Should Use Willliams' Main Title For MOS ala Superman Returns It Is The Character

THR: Not to mention following in the footsteps of John Williams

Zimmer: Right! John Williams, the greatest living composer -- full stop. And that happens to be one of his greatest themes. So no. And I’m not thinking of rewriting Beethoven’s 9th either. It just sounds like a thankless task, you know? So that’s unequivocally a no. I have never spoken with Zack Snyder.

My guess is that Tyler Bates who scored Snyder’s own  300, Watchmen and the upcoming Sucker Punch will get the job....

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