
Monday, December 13, 2010

Where'd You Go?

Even as the Bryan Singer produced Matthew Vaughn directed "X-Men: First Class" had its Official Synopsis released--along with some nifty set pics...I was much more interested in what the folks at IESB claims to have gotten their hands on...Singer's aborted plans for the sequel to Superman Returns also called Superman: Man of Steel and what might have been--including the revelation that the villain would have been Brainiac

On The Set Of Superman Returns

Let me be clear, Singer never had a chance to get his script completed, there was a couple different outlines that were done during the production of Superman Returns but the one we are going to talk about in this article was the one that most likely was going to get a full script treatment. Superman: The Man of Steel TMS started just a few years after the incidents that we saw in Superman Returns. Kal-El is doing what Superman does best, Lois Lane is raising her kid Jason, who of course is Superman's child and the world is getting use to having Superman back.

Now there are storyline threads that go back to Superman Returns, one is the on going plot of Superman's original reason of going back to Krypton. He has always wondered if he truly is the last Son of Krypton. Remember new Krypton that Lex created with crystals he stole from the Fortress of Solitude and Kryptonite that Supes launched into to space that nearly killed him? So new Krypton continues to grow in space and has become an almost perfect sphere. It is now the size of a small moon.

Besides giving Humans something to admire at night, Earth new satellite has also brought some unexpected attention from a galaxy far, far away. A massive spaceship arrives Earth's orbit, Superman flys up to meet the spacecraft and we are introduced to our out of this world visitor. Superman quickly finds out that our visitor is also a Kryptonian survivor who has been traveling the known galaxies and was able to detect Kryptonian technology thanks to our new green/black satellite that has started to orbit the Earth. Superman finally has found a Kryptonian buddy and starts showing him around the planet, a planet full of problems, disease, famine, crime and nations at war with each other. Our new Kryptonian friend asks Superman why, with all his power, is he not changing the world for the better. Why is he not getting rid of famine, disease and war?

Of course fans know that Superman has always been told, or better said instructed, not to interfere with Earth's seen in Richard Donner’s Superman: The Movie

Sounds at least a bit intriguing....Might have also done something to make the "Super Kid" idea worthwhile....

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