
Friday, May 06, 2011

Edgerton Part Of Team To "Kill bin Laden" In Flick

Joel Edgerton will play a special operative in Kathryn Bigelow's topical War Drama Kill Bin Landen reports The Los Angeles Times.

Writer Mark Boal extensively researched the film which centers on an elite Black Ops team's attempt to assassinate Osama bin Laden  almost a decade ago, an effort that came very close to succeeding.

After the death of bin Laden last Sunday, concerns were raised over the fate of the project which Mark Boal had been penning and whether it would hit delays due to major re-writes.

It was then revealed that the Black Ops team which he had been researching was SEAL Team Six , the same group that carried out the recent raid that brought down the terrorist leader.

Boal also reportedly has ample time to rework the script to include the 40-minute firefight at the compound that brought down bin Laden.

Edgerton has been linked to, but ultimately lost out, a number of high-profile projects lately including , The Hunger Games, and The Bourne Legacy

He was in fact offered ""Snow White and the Huntsman" but passed on the project so as to be able to do Kill.

The other lead roles will be cast soon so that shooting could kick off as early as this Summer.

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