
Friday, May 20, 2011

They're All Going To Laugh At You

A film remake of Carrie is on the way says THR

Based on author Stephen King's book--the 1976 version directed by Brian De Palma is a horror classic about a timid and tortured girl (Sissy Spacek) who uses her telekinetic powers to punish her tormentors

Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, a playwright who was recently brought in to rework the troubled Broadway production Spider-Man Turn Off The Dark, will pen the new script.

King tells EW:

 “I’ve heard rumblings about a Carrie remake, as I have about The Stand and It. Who knows if it will happen? The real question is why, when the original was so good? I mean, not Casablanca or anything, but a really good horror-suspense film, much better than the book.  Piper Laurie (as the repressive mother) really got her teeth into the bad-mom thing. Although Lindsay Lohan as Carrie White… hmmm. It would certainly be fun to cast. I guess I could get behind it if they turned the project over to one of the Davids: Lynch or Cronenberg.”

I take King's lead on this. Is it not bad enough Hollywood made The Rage: Carrie 2? And nothing against the Spidey writer but of all the folks you could hire he gets the nod! Really?

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