
Friday, June 10, 2011

Final Flavor

Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have discussed a third film in their Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy following "Shaun of the Dead" and Hot Fuzz called The World's End

Pegg tells AICN that they've carved out some time to begin work.

Pegg says "We already started the conception process, so it's just a question of when we can get together. I'm just about to start shooting a movie here in the UK, so maybe between that and Star Trek 2  we might get a chance to bang out a first draft if we're lucky."

Pegg adds "We're going to start in earnest very, very soon - to not just do the same thing again, to do something very different. Not to the point of alienating people who want something, but just give people something new and something different. You can't just stay where you are forever. You have to mutate to survive, and I think we're going to make sure that we do that. I'd hate to become stale and predictable. People are already making films that are kind of like the sort of thing we might do. I want to stay a little bit ahead of the curve at least."

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