
Monday, June 27, 2011

The late Graham Chapman (sort of) returns for Monty Python reunion

A hearty welcome back and CONGRATS to Julian Stark who's also doing articles for BIG Time Site as well. Please Stop By And Look 'Em Up!!-T

The troupe of comedians Monty Python forever changed the face of sketch comedy. Unfortunately, member Graham Chapman died in 1989 due to a bout with cancer. A full reunion with the group is completely impossible now… or is it?

While it won’t be a complete reunion, The New York Times reports that A Liar’s Autobiography: Volume VI, Chapman’s “absurdist memoir,” will be made as an animated 3D film. What’s more, a taped reading from Chapman will be edited to fit in with the rest of Monty Python’s voice performances to make for a cohesive feature. Well, as cohesive as Monty Python could be, I guess.

Fifteen different animation companies are completing work on the film, a collection of “chapters” that boast different styles and run between three and twelve minutes each; the total film is expected for an 85-minute running time.

The film looks to have a theatrical bow in the U.K., while U.S. fans will have to settle for a television debut.

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