
Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Proud America

Some time ago there was a plan to shorten the upcoming superhero film's title from "Captain America The First Avenger:" to just "The First Avenger" in select international territories.

By setting the film during World War II set mostly in Europe, the filmmakers have mostly avoided using contemporary political issues that that may have undermined their international box-office.
You could not just ignore the title character's orgins...The studio offered all territories the choice of both titles.

The Hollywood Reporter reports that only three countries have opted for the shortened version - Russia, Ukraine and South Korea.

Most international distributors thought the franchise name was so identifiable that not using "Captain America" in the title could risk losing ticket sales. In the three countries it will take place, the change was reportedly done for "cultural and political reasons".

Some elements of the marketing elements have been changed. A new Australian version of the recently released full trailer for the film confirms that the tagline "Heroes are made in America" has been dropped from the international versions of the trailer, replaced with a far less interesting and more generic "When evil rises, a hero will stand."

The film will get its big push internationally in the UK, Australia, certain Asian and South American markets on July 28th, a week after the US release. Most of continental European gets it in August. The film isn't expected to get a release in China due to their strict foreign film allowance policies, but a final decision has not been made

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