
Friday, July 22, 2011

R-Rod @ SDCC '11

Robert Rodriguez showed up at Comic-Con yesterday to promote Spy Kids 4...He also talked up the progress of some of his pipeline films as well....

The script isn't ready and work continues on amother draft, but Rodriguez will shoot as soon as it is done which could be this year. He says scheduling is never a problem for that film, for example Mickey Rourke and Rutger Hauer shot their scenes on the first film eight months apart, despite both sharing a scene at one point. He also expects practically all of the first film's cast to return.

Heavy Metal

Rodriguez says he'd probably direct one of the stories in the anthology film, and would maybe shoot the framing story as well

Machete Sequels

Both sequels have been greenlit he told Vulture, but before he makes "Machete Kills" he'll produce another fake trailer for the improbably named third film - "Machete Kills Again … in Space". He added that it will be kind of like "Moonraker" using the Machete character.

Fire and Ice

He confirmed he's teamed with fantasy artist Frank Frazetta's estate for a live-action take on 1983 animated film Fire and Ice                  

Working with pal Quentin Tarantino

Rodriguez says he and Tarantino will "get an itch to do something else together. We’re already talking about stuff". However it'll probably be a few years away....

He also gabbed a bit about that Red Sonja  redo

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