
Friday, August 19, 2011

More On Scott's Blade Runner Return

Yesteday's news that director Ridley Scott would return to helm another chapter in the saga of 1982's "Blade Runner" seemimgly came outta nowhere

24 Frames has more deets explaining Scott's return--even revealing some story ideas and a potential production schedule

Producers Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove met with Scott in London earlier this year where "they hashed out how a new film would look, how it could avoid seeming too similar to the many movies that have since paid homage to the original, and how different the new film should be from the original itself. They eventually decided it should stand as separately as possible."

The trio shook hands on it.

Kosove: "I believe he sees an opportunity to create something that’s wholly original from the first 'Blade Runner.'"

Scott will now meet with writers once he and the  agree there an announcement could come as early as within the next few weeks.

It's expected the earliest that shooting could start is the beginning of 2013 which would mean a 2014 release at the earliest.

Scott just finished editing his "Alien" universe pic "Prometheus" and could direct one of several other films he has in development before doing "Blade Runner" again.

Asked about reaction over the announcement, Kosove says "Everything Ridley does as a filmmaker is fresh… with Ridley coming back there's a greater level of comfort. And once we have the writer, I think fans will feel even more comfortable. We want people to know that we're very serious about doing this in an artistic way. This isn't just commercial fodder."

Kosove adds Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) will not show up- "If you're asking me will this movie have anything to do with Harrison Ford, the answer is no. This is a total reinvention, and in my mind that means doing everything fresh, including casting."

Still like the Alien pic I'm super jazzed Scott is doing this....

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