
Monday, September 19, 2011

Blair Witch 3 Waits For Studio Green Light

It looks like The Blair Witch 3  may be moving ahead after years of chatter...

Eduardo Sánchez, one of The Blair Witch Project co-director, tells Bloody Disgusting that “It’s completely up to Lionsgate Dan and I are ready to do it. We’ve been toying around with a sequel idea that we really like. It’s just a matter of getting our schedules in line and having Lionsgate sign off on the idea.”

One notion for the flick would see original cast members Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard and Michael C. Williams coming back - “The plan is to have them [back]. They’re probably not going to be the main characters but they’re definitely characters in the sequel.“

There will be NO first person P.O.V. this time though at least for now- "Right now, the idea has no first person in it at all, but we'll see. There's always room for new ideas to come in".

The film will seemingly and thankfully ignore the events of the studio sanctioned "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2".

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