
Friday, September 23, 2011

Captain's Concerns

I post this trailer for the October 25, 2011 home video release of  this past Summer's Captain America: The First Avenger to point out that it includes a fresh peek at next year's superhero teamer pic  "The Avengers"

Meantime Cap star Chris Evans is doing promotional rounds for his new indie legal drama "Puncture" which starts its limited release this weekend told The Playlist that Captain America 2. may not hit until 2014.

They may wait until 2014 until they release the next Cap. Marvel has a lot of balls in the air, they aren’t going to cannibalize their films

Evans confirmed he’s signed for three “Captain America“ pics and three “Avengers” films, so it's unlikely Cap ter will pop up, even in cameos, in other Marvel films - “Out of those six films, if I pop up in one of those [other films], it counts as part of the deal. So if they needed me in a third Cap, and I say, ‘F**k you, give me $30 million,’ well…they want to avoid that."

Marvel has already set aside May 16th 2014 and June 27th 2014 release dates for films, but did not say what they will be.

As for his much talked of  new costume in "The Avengers" which I happen to like?

Changes were director Joss Whedon idea. “The first one was a 1940s look, very utilitarian, something that would serve a purpose on the battlefield. But in ‘The Avengers,’ Joss just had a certain vision in his mind about what he wanted Cap to look like. That’s what he wanted to see. It’s so nice working on these movies and the director’s a fan. He’s the dude at Comic-Con that we’re terrified of p***ing off. If Joss is happy, I’m happy.”

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