
Saturday, September 24, 2011

No Satire In RoboCop Redux; Casting & Timeframe

Talking with Film1 director José Padilha  says his RoboCop reboot will not use a lot of the social satire that marked  Paul Verhoeven's 1987 classic.

"I love the sharpness and political tone of RoboCop , and I think that such a film is now urgently needed. But I will not repeat what Verhoeven has done so clearly and strongly,"

"Instead I try to make a film that will address topics that Verhoeven untreated. If you are a man changes into a robot, how do you do that? What is the difference between humans and robots? What is free will? What does it mean to lose your free will? Those are the issues that I think."

He adds "I try to make movies that I like, that I feel deal with social problems. I will continue to do so in my work. If I can develop it in Hollywood, then I make a movie with all the means of Hollywood. If that fails, then that movie doesn't work. It is that simple!".

I think that it's a smart move to distinguish the reboot from the original as much as possible in this instance

The director also talked with Brazil TV channel Globo 1 (via Bleeding Cool) about timetable and his personal casting choice.for the lead of Michael Fassbender

"I'll film Robocop. I'm indeed writing the script, the writer is here with me in Rio, we've spent over the last 15 days working together, refining the script.

I'll be traveling this friday back to LA, bringing this new version to discuss with the studio, and maybe begin with the casting, selecting actors... and the idea is to begin filming in February or March. That's the idea, y'know, we never know in the american movie industry. We're just delivering the project, but also we depend on the schedule of the actors... it's tough.

I can't talk yet, it's too early to speak, but there are some actors I like. I really like the Fassbender, I'd like to talk to him - I'll talk to him. There's a possibility... and there's a lot of other great actors that would play RoboCop. But that's the idea, to film around January, February, March.

Padilha also confirmed that the film would be set in Detroit, where Verhoeven's took place

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