
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Edgerton Eyes 300 Sequel

Joel Edgerton is in talks to star in 300: Battle of Artemisia says Vulture.

Edgerton would play the famed archon and general Themosticles. At the same time as King Leonidas (Gerard Butler in 300) led the Allied army to Thermopylae, Themistocles took command of the Athenian contingent of the Allied fleet - beginning a series of naval engagements at Artemisia and holding their own against the much larger Persian fleet.Later on, the tide turned with the Greeks achieving victory against the invading Persians.

Zack Snyder and Kurt Johnstad's script is based on the upcoming graphic-novel sequel by Frank Miller

Noam Murro will call action

Mark Canton and Gianni Nunnari will produce

No production schedule is yet set.

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