
Thursday, December 08, 2011

Mirren & Hopkins Are Alma & Hitchcock

She has been circling the film for a long time and now Helen Mirren has officially joined the cast of "Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of 'Psycho' " says Heat Vision.

The film will explore how the 1960 classic was actually quite a departure for Hitch in that it was a more explicitly shocking film which was meant to compete with other low-budget horror pictures of the day. The script weaves in the relationship between Hitchcock and his wife

Anthony Hopkins will play Alfred Hitchcock. Mirren will play his wife Alma Reville, a talented editor in her own right who was particularly good at error correction including dialogue revision, plot inconsistencies and continuity problems such as Janet Leigh swallowing while playing dead for the infamous "Psycho" shower scene.

Sacha Gervasi directs the film that is based on Stephen Rebello's 1990 book which Black Swan co-writer John McLaughlin has adapted with author Rebello.

At one time Ryan Murphy was due to direct the pic.

As some you may know--I really learned to appreciate Hitch and his work in my youth and while getting my film degree-- So glad this one is FINALLY going ahead!! If you have never read Rebello's book you simply must!

Shooting kicks off in April.

And hey this isn't the only film about the director's work process currently in early development - Sienna Miller has been cast as Tippi Hedren in an as-yet untitled TV film about the actress' relationship with the legendary filmmaker on the set of 1963's The Birds according to Bloody Disgusting

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