
Monday, December 05, 2011

Tin Tin 2 Gearing Up

A sequel to December 21st's The Adventures of Tintin seems to be on the fast track and could hit by late 2014 or Summer 2015 according to producer Kathleen Kennedy.

The reviews for the first film are stellar and it's making big bucks overseas where it's already been released.

Kennedy and Peter Jackson produced the Steven Spielberg-directed first film and Jackson is due to direct the second film called The Adventures of Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun. The question hasn't been if it would happen but when would they shoot the motion capture elements for the film and when would it be in the cineplex?

It is being moved forward, in fact Steven and I were talking about it this morning. We’re working on a script right now, we’ll see a script probably February or March. If we can do some camera capture this summer, which I think we could do, then we would be on track to have the movie either Christmas 2014 or summer 2015, and so that’s what we’re looking at right now" Kennedy tells Collider.

The main mo-cap production for the first 'Tintin' took just under five weeks. Best guess would be Jackson would conduct that late next Summer once he wraps shooting on 2012's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and 2013's The Hobbit: There and Back Again during a point in post-production that does not require much of his involvement.

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