
Friday, January 13, 2012

Spielberg On Tin Tin Future & Robopocalypse

While promoting  War Horse in Paris, director Steven Spielberg talked with the local French media (via Collider) and answered a few questions about his upcoming films.

He's in the midst of editing "Lincoln" so wouldn't discuss that, nor would he chat about Jurassic Park IV other thanto say that he's only producing the pic - not directing.

As far as the Adventures of Tintin sequel Prisoners of the Sun Spielberg confirms they'll be adapting two of the books for the film (as opposed to the two-and-a-half that comprised the first film). 

While he won't say which ones yet, a production schedule is already in place.

"Peter and I agreed that we weren’t going to let that information out yet. The script is now being written and Peter will start working on the film this year. When he’s done shooting "The Hobbit", he’ll begin his performance capture work with the actors later in 2012, which I’m very excited about."

What about that Third Tintin Film, who would direct that? "I’m hoping I’ll be able to direct the third one. I’d love to do the third one because I had so much fun on the first one .”

He also spoke with Time Out about his sci-fi film "Robopocalypse" which will probably begin production in September.

He told them the tone of that pic is akin to "Minority Report" and takes place in 15 or 20 years, so "it’ll be another future we can relate to. It’s about the consequences of creating technologies which make our lives easier, and what happens when that technology becomes smarter than we are."

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