
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ronan Is Yet Another Version Of Snow White

At one point there were three films in development using the Snow White fairy tale-as a starting point two of which--Mirror Mirror--out March 30th and  Snow White and the Huntsman out June 1st are done, while the third one went away quietly...until now

Now we learn that Saoirse Ronan has been cast in the lead role in the film "The Order of the Seven" for Disney says Heat Vision.

Previously titled "Snow and the Seven", the China-set live-action revisionist take has been in development for a decade since Michael Chabon's original script was completed back in 2002.

The reworked script by Jayson Rothwell (Malice in Wonderland) and Michael DeBruyn has x-ed out all of the traditional elements from the fairy tale.

In this incarnation, the dwarves are replaced by a 19th century-set disparate band of international outlaw warriors belonging to a centuries-old order who have lost their way. They come upon a British expatriate (Ronan) in Hong Kong being chased by an ancient evil, a woman who becomes the catalyst for their redemption.

Well-known stars from China, Russia, and Japan are expected to be hired to play the warriors.

Commercials director Michael Gracey will make his directorial debut on the film which Andrew Gunn produces as the film begins production this Fall. 

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