
Thursday, February 09, 2012

Scott Talks Ford & That Blade Runner Rumor

Speaking with EW, director Ridley Scott decided to clear the air about all noise concerning Harrison Ford's possible involvement in the new as yet Untitled Blade Runner Sequel....

Scott says "We’re still in discussions about whether it should be a prequel or sequel. It’s an interesting conversation. I’m meeting with writers and I’ve also gone back to [original Blade Runner screenwriter] Hampton Fancher and he still speaks the speak. He’s right there. I spoke with him this week. But we don’t even have a script yet."

Will Ford be in the new film?

"Don’t know yet. Don’t know yet".

Scott had the same answer when asked whether the Rick Deckard character was gonna be in it.  He was then asked if he would rule out Ford's involvement.

"Absolutely not. But I’m not sure that that’s going to be a story point, so I don’t know. But if it were, nothing would please me more. Honestly."

Right now only the idea of the project exists "Right. I just thought Prometheus was so enjoyable — returning to the world of science fiction was so fun — that I wanted to [go back to the Blade Runner universe]. I’m also thinking about what the hell I might do for a Prometheus 2."

1982's sci-fi classic "Blade Runner" was based upon author Philip K. Dick's story Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

The deal for the new pic was made last March when Alcon Entertainment won the franchise rights which stated they could essentially do what they wanted with one exception - they could NOT remake the original.

In November Scott was asked by the The Wall Street Journal the same question about Deckard back then Scott replied "No, not really."

Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove will produce the new pic.

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