
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

TRON 3 Progress Report

Speaking with io9 "Tron: Legacy" scribes Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis say that plans for another Tron Sequel continue slowly but surely...

At last report David Digilio is writing the follow-up because Horowitz and Kitsis are busy with their commitments to their TV show Once Upon a Time--the pair will instead act as co-producers on the third "Tron" film

"Joe [Kosinski, director] is right now shooting Oblivion, but we've had a lot of meetings and conversations and we've seen the first draft of the 'Tron'sequel. Sometimes movies don't happen as quickly as you want... Our hope is to get something going sooner [rather than later]" says Kitsis.

The duo hinted that "the definition of life and death in the digital realm will be explored in the sequel".

I was very disappointed with Legacy...Fingers crossed on this...And the upcomming animated television show TRON: Uprising set to debut this year

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