
Monday, April 30, 2012

Wiseman Talks 2 Defunct Films

"Underworld" and "Live Free or Die Hard" director Len Wiseman did an interview with Film School Rejects, in whic he briefly talked about both the Gears of War movie based upon the Xbox 360 game and the remake of  Escape from New York...

He was attached to both pics. And then they fell appart.

As far as 'Escape', Wiseman said former "Lost" star Josh Holloway was considered to star- "He's great. He's got the wiseass, modern Snake Plissken vibe about him. He was somebody we talked about."

In regard to "Gears of War", Wiseman says the main reason that went nowhere was because the budget wasn't right to do a film that was faithful to the game:

"It just got to the point where it was too expensive for what they considered too much of an isolated, male-driven movie. You know, just even the fact it's called Gears of War [Laughs]. They felt it was risky. The vision I had for it was an appropriate one for the game. The game is epic and massive. I didn't really want to see the 50 or 60 million dollar version of that movie."

Wiseman also says Dwayne Johnson's name kept being mentioned as a potential star, but he thought Daniel Craig would have been a great choice for the role of Marcus.

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