
Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Chastain Passes On Iron Man 3

Jessica Chastain has been forced to pass on a supporting role in writer/director Shane Black's "Iron Man 3" as a result of scheduling conflicts.

The story is based on the popular six-issue mini series "Extremis" by Warren Ellis--the film's events take place after The Avengers. The plot involves the spread of a virus through nanobots.

The role was that of a "sexy scientist every bit as smart as Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)", that was likely the character of Dr. Maya Hansen who developed the Extremis nanotechnology.

Diane Kruger, Gemma Arterton and Isla Fisher were also up for the role--no word yet if one of them will now step in

The busy Chastain posted this message via Facebook:

"Sorry to say that ‘Iron Man’ 3 isn’t going to work out. My schedule is jammed packed and I can’t fit anything else in. The press announced my possible attachment far too soon. I know many of you wanted me to be involved, and I’m so sorry to disappoint you. Hopefully there’ll be another Marvel film in my future. Shane Black and everyone on the IM3 team are really wonderful. I’m very excited to see the film when it comes out."

Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle Ben Kingsley Guy Pearce and Chinese superstar Andy Lau co-star.

Production will take place on location in Hong Kong, Shanghai and other parts of China later this summer once filming wraps up in North Carolina which starts in a few weeks.

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