
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Green Initiative--New Hulk Film After All?

Some early reviews for writer/director Joss Whedon's The Avengers movie have cited Mark Ruffalo's incarnation of the Hulk and Bruce Banner as a highlight of the film and easily the best take on the character yet over Eric Bana in 2003's Hulk and Ed Norton in '08's The Incredible Hulk

The praise has been enough for Marvel suit Kevin Feige, who previously said that there were no plans at the moment to do another Hulk, to be reconsidering his position.

Speaking with Forbes, Marvel rep Paul Glitter says the company could "spin him [The Incredible Hulk] off to a stand-alone [TV] program next year" followed by "a big budget franchise movie in 2015."

Ruffalo has said that he's signed for six Marvel films. The question is whether this big screen entry would be a standalone film or a possible "Avengers 2- a scenario that's more in keeping with Feige's overall plans to be very careful and deliberate with the character's use on film.

Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans Chris Hemsworth Scarlett Johansson Samuel L. Jackson Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Clark Gregg, Cobie Smulders, Stellan SkarsgÄrd, and Amanda Righetti star in the May 4, 2012 superhero team up flick.

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