
Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Headey Talks Dredd Role In Reboot

"Game of Thrones" co-star Lena Headey recently sat down with The Los Angeles Times to talk about her role as the villain Madeline "Ma-Ma" Madrigal in the upcoming reboot of the "Judge Dredd" series starring Karl Urban and Olivia Thirlby

The original British comic created by John Wagner  was much darker and grittier than the big-budget 1995 film version starring Sylvester Stallone that was a stinker

"The world [in the new film] feels really British, and I don't know if that's because it's so dirty and dark. And it's ... violent. Just in terms of gunplay, they're not afraid to show blood and gunshot wounds. And it's set up in this concrete sort of shanty town - it's shanty but they're blocks - concrete favelas" she says.

Originally conceived as an elderly woman, Headey convinced screenwriter Alex Garland to make her middle-aged and filled with hatred for all things male.

"She's a prostitute who then kills her pimp and takes over his drug-running business. And Ma-Ma is a bit of a man-hater. I think of her like an old great white shark who is just waiting for someone bigger and stronger to show up and kill her. She's ready for it. In fact, she can't wait for it to happen. And yet no one can get the job done."

Headey added "She's an addict, so she's dead in that way, but that last knock just hasn't come. This big, fat, scarred shark moving through the sea and everyone flees and she's like, 'Will someone just have the balls to do it? Please?'"

Peter Travis called action

Dredd is scheduled for release on September 21, 2012.

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