
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Robbie Pattinson Is NOT Catching Fire

Last week there was noise that  "The Twilight film series" star Robert Pattinson was gonna play Finnick Odair in the upcoming sequel "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire".

The link was made due to the fact that the sequel's director, Francis Lawrence, worked with Pattinson recently on "Water for Elephants."

Not so fast folks--Pattinson told USA Today that the chatter is total bunk- "I woke up...and saw all these things about me being cast in 'The Hunger Games.' I was kind of curious for a second. So I called my agent, [My agent] was like 'no one's going to offer you that part.'"

Little Miss Sunshine writer Michael Arndt is writing the adapted script.

"Fire" has a set release date of Nov. 22, 2013, and needs to finish shooting by December so that star actress Jennifer Lawrence can start work on Fox's in-development as yet Untitled X-Men First Class Sequel in January.

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