
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Sly Talks Final Rambo Flick

Sylvester Stallone tells MTV News that Rambo: Last Stand is all but a sure thing.

There’s a volcanic eruption [brewing]. The magma of Rambo is coming to the surface. I like the whole Mexican situation, what’s going on down there. So I’m working on a formula for it right now.”

Conan the Barbarian writer Sean Hood was working on the screenplay last year

Asked if there is any more about John Rambo left to be told.

Sly says, “I know there is. It’s one thing where you lay down the final culmination of your life where you can articulate it, but also act on it where he realizes what his destiny really is. It’s not to be a farmer, it’s not to be obscure; it’s to go out in a blaze of glory in a heroic fashion. But is he really doing it for himself or is he doing it because that’s just his id? That’s who he is."

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