
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thunder Run Mission Movie A Go

I first reported on this news last October, now its been confirmed at the Cannes Film Festival--Gerald Butler, Sam Worthington and Matthew McConaughey will all star in the fact based 3-D war film Thunder Run  says Museled.

Based upon author David Zucchino's book the pic will detail the story of the capture of Baghdad by American forces at the start of the Iraq War in 2003. The three-day assault was referred as a “lightning strike” or “thunder run.”

"Black Hawk Down" scribes Robert Port and Ken Nolan are adapting the novel from which "Con Air" helmer Simon West will direct.

Jib Polhemus Brian Presley Kevin Matusow and Carissa Buffel will produce the film

Production starts this Summer after locking down finances.

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