
Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Giamatti & Paulson Serve 12 Years A Slave

Paul Giamatti and Sarah Paulson are set to join the cast of "Shame" and "Hunger" director Steve McQueen's Twelve Years A Slave says Variety.

Set in the mid-19th century, the film tells the true story of New Yorker Solomon Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor) who was kidnapped and shipped off into forced labor. Eventually he was rescued from a Louisiana cotton plantation in 1853.

Giamatti plays the man who takes possession of the slaves after they arrive in New Orleans. Paulson plays the jealous wife of  Michael Fassbender's character.

McQueen and John Ridley (”Bobby,” “Three Kings”) wrote the script.

Paul Dano, Benedict Cumberbatch  Garret Dillahunt and Brad Pitt also star.

Production gets going soon in New Orleans.

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