
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Marvel Mega-Team Up Movie In Our Future?

While the superheroes seen in Marvel's The Avengers are firmly in the hands of  Disney "Spider-Man" is at Sony Pictures and the "X-Men" are at Fox--The idea that the different studios would never work together or allow their characters to crossover, seemed a mere pipe dream due to the legal and economic snares that would occur in making such a project.

Hold on a sec though. Asked about the possibility at a press conference this past week for "The Amazing Spider-Man", producer Avi Arad told  Crave Online that he is open to the idea.

"Everything is possible. If something like that happens, it’s great for Disney, it’s great for Sony, if the right story comes in. Avengers to me was an expected success so I never looked at it because Avengers was successful. The way to make team-up movies work is to create the raw materials, both technically and creatively, in other movies first. Team-ups can happen once you create the character, establish the CG, otherwise it’s not affordable."

He also added that "We are now working on Venom first. It’s our first out, so our thinking is in the right direction" meaning that the upcoming Venom film, which "Chronicle" director Josh Trank is in line to helm will link back into future instalments of the rebooted Spidey franchise.

Fellow producer Matthew Tolmach added: “I’m trying to say to you without giving anything away is hopefully all these worlds will live together in peace someday… look for the worlds to make sense with one another

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