
Monday, June 18, 2012

No Twlight Reboot (Yet) Folks

The internet has been on fire in the last 24 hours with rumors started by Bloody Disgusting that Summit Entertainment/Lionsgate were already thinking reboot for The Twilight film series--even as The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part 2 is months out from its relesase on November 16th.

Co-Chairman and now Lionsgate domestic movie chief Rob Friedman told Deadline: ”We are not remaking Twilight. We will happily support Stephenie Meyer if she decides to proceed in any way. But this will be the last one unless that should change.”

The comments echo Friedman from 5 months ago on the same subject...Even if they are gonna do it eventually the company would be stupid to announce it at this point...risking the wrath of fans who go nuts for Edward, Bella & Jacob as played by Kristen Stewart Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner in the films.

Even quick reboots (by industry standards anyway) like "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "The Incredible Hulk" took time. And would have never beeen talked about before the release of the newest pic in the series.

Meantime,  the next trailer for "Breaking Dawn Part 2" drops at 5:30am US-PDT this Wednesday, just in time for character Edward Cullen's 111th birthday.To get ready a ten-second sneak peek will be launched the day before at the same time of day.

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