
Monday, June 11, 2012

Prometheus: The X-Tra Footage On Disc

As the debate about existentialism and aliens of Ridley Scott's "non" latest chapter in the Alien franchise called "Prometheus" rages on--- Many aspects of the film seem to have confused people.

Some of that is deliberate on Scott's part in an attempt to be ambiguous and enigmatic, but some of those hanging questions are the result of editing.

The upcoming Blu-ray/ DVD editions of Prometheus scheduled to hit October 9th will have some of those answers. Scott tells Collider that the disc will have up to half-an-hour of deleted scenes.

A lot of those will be included in a longer cut on the disc that lasts an additional twenty minutes, one which sounds much close to the original 147 minute first cut of the film he did. However he says the theatrical version is "fundamentally the director’s cut… I’m so happy with this engine, the way it is right now. I think it’s fine. I think it works."

He is aware of film lovers and fans who want to see as much as possible from the film and even though in this case he prefers the theatrical take - "there will be half an hour of stuff on the menu because people are so into films… if you really want to tap in, look at the menu. To see how things are long, and it’s too long. Dramatically, I’m about putting bums on seats. For me to separate my idea of commerce from art—I’d be a fool. You can’t do that. I wouldn’t be allowed to do the films I do. So I’m very user friendly as far as the studios are concerned. To a certain extent, I’m a businessman. I’m aware that’s what I have to do. It’s my job. To say, “Screw the audience.” You can’t do that. “Am I communicating?” is the question. Am I communicating? Because if I’m not, I need to address it."

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