
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Dredd's Big Screen Future?

"Dredd" reboot writer Alex Garland is once again talking about sequel possibilities--this time on 2000AD Online (via Bleeding Cool).

Garland spoke of what characters from the comics he would incorporate.

"If I was involved in a second movie, it would be about origins and subversion, and Chopper would feature. In fact, I think Chopper would start and end the story. Apart from him, my rough plan involves Fargo, Giant, Angel Gang, and a version of Satanus" he says.

The film stars Karl Urban Olivia Thirlby and Lena Headey as the villain Madeline "Ma-Ma" Madrigal

The original British comic created by John Wagner was much darker and grittier than the big-budget 1995 film version starring Sylvester Stallone that was a stinker....The footage here looks miles ahead of the previous film--and more in line with the original vision.

Peter Travis called action.

Thinking even further ahead Garland adds: "For a trilogy, add Cal and the Dark Judges. And Anderson would be in all three. But... just to be clear, this is hugely speculative and also unlikely, for any number of reasons."

If there is a sequel, he says he imagines "spending about half the movie in the Cursed Earth, and I would try to come up with some new faces as well as some old ones."

"Dredd" opens across the UK on September 7th, then in the United States on September 21st.

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