
Monday, September 10, 2012

Joss Keen On Gunn For "Guardians Of The Galaxy"

While attending the Toronto International Film Festival to stump for his low-budget indie "Much Ado About Nothing", MTV got a chance to ask Joss Whedon about James Gunn ("Slither", "Super") doing Marvel's "Guardians Of The Galaxy" film.

Whedon says Gunn has barely begun working on the film, but his hiring is what made him think that the film  could get made, something he wasn't sure could ever happen.

"James is what makes me think it will work. I myself was sort of like, ‘Well, I liked Rocket Raccoon as a kid, but I’m not sure how that plays [to a wider audience].[Gunn] is so off the wall, and so crazy, but so smart, such a craftsman and he builds from heart. He’s got a very twisted take on it, but it all comes from a real love for the material. It’s going to be hard for the humans to keep up… I know he’s going to come from left field and I’m going to go, ‘What?’ And then, ‘Of course, why didn’t I think of that?’ And then I’m going to beat him!"

Other directors that were also in the running include Peyton Reed (Yes Man, Bring It On) and the directing duo Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden (Half Nelson).

Marvel wanted Gunn because of "his ability to mix comedy elements with action and horror" much the same way Joss can

The Guardians of the Galaxy comic book follows a US pilot who ends up in space during a universal conflict, then is forced to go on the run with a band of futuristic alien ex-cons.

Screenwriter Chris McCoy was recently hired to rewrite the Nicole Perlman’s original script.

The film arrives August 1, 2014

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