
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pitt To Explore IBM's Nazi Connection

Brad Pitt is developing a film based on author Edwin Black's 2001 bestseller "IBM And The Holocaust" about the company's role in the Third Reich's extermination program says Vulture.

In 1933, IBM CEO Thomas J. Watson, Sr., formed a strategic alliance with Nazi Germany. Punch cards were used to help sort through and cross-reference mountains of German census information. As a result, the Nazis were able to quickly and ruthlessly identify, ghettoize, deport and ultimately wipe out millions of European Jews.

Marcus Hinchey ("All Good Things") wrote the script with the project originally setup at HBO.

Pitt and his production company have parted ways with the the cable network and are now shopping it around

Pitt has attached himself to star in order to attract directors

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