
Friday, September 14, 2012

Thierry On "The Zero Theorem"

Mélanie Thierry has joined the cast of Terry Gilliam's "The Zero Theorem" says The Playlist (via Le Petit Journal).

Pat Rushin's script is set in an George Orwellian type corporate world run by a shadowy figure called 'Management'.

Christoph Waltz plays an eccentric and reclusive computer genius plagued with existential angst who works on a mysterious project aimed at discovering the purpose of existence once and for all.

Other characters in this world include a "flamboyantly lusty love interest" (Thierry?)  with virtual sex on their mind, and the rebellious whiz-kid teenage son of Management.

Thierry says "I have a great part, a girl completely crazy and funny. It will be great fun to play this chick."

 Tilda Swinton also stars.

Dean Zanuck will be producing the film.

Production kicks off in Romania in November.

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