
Thursday, October 11, 2012

31 Days Of Horror Day 11: Misery

Helmer Jason Christopher's discusses 1990's Misery--which like the original Scream--is a childhood fave as this special month long event celebrating horror kicks it up a notch!

I usually don’t watch this movie around Halloween. It's more a Christmas time movie for me. But I really wanted to share my thoughts about this movie with you for this event.

I just remember the VHS box. A cabin in the middle of nowhere with snow everywhere. It would’ve looked innocent if it wasn’t so dark. This movie is not innocent.

Paul Sheldon (James Caan) is a best selling author. He goes up to a hotel in the middle of nowhere every time he writes a new book. He finishes his book, he goes home, but not this time. He hits an ice patch that sends his car in the air and upside down in the snow. He’s stranded and injured until someone rescues him.

Soon someone does rescue him, a long time fan, Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates). For doing a good deed, Paul allows her to read his new book. A couple of nights go by and Annie isn’t all that happy with the book nor is she as nice as we thought. She winds up pretty much torturing Paul. It’s horrible! The scene with the sledge hammer and the log?! Holy Mother!

Just like the movie Scream, this movie had the same affect on me and has been with me since I was a young kid. I don’t remember the first time I saw this movie. Afterwards I just remember renting it all the time on VHS at Blockbuster…along with Death Warrant and other silly Jean-Claude Van Damme movies. I own this movie on DVD but am looking for that Blu Ray copy. Damn this movie is great. Go check this movie out, if you haven’t seen Misery.

20 days till Halloween.


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