
Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Days Of Horror Day 19: Prom Night (1980)

Director Jason Christopher is excited because he gets to put on his 80's style tux again to discuss the original version of Prom Night as this special month long event celebrating horror hopes that someone remembers to spike the punch!

This film is definitely the next best Jamie Lee Curtis’ movies after Halloween. Besides the Naked Gun movies, this is definitely Leslie Neilson’s best movie, ha! Nah, I spoke to soon, Airplane!

Four Hamilton High School seniors have been hiding the truth of what happened to ten-year-old Robin Hammond for six long years. But someone saw what they did and the person is preparing for revenge with a prom night killing spree. Hooded, masked, and wielding an axe, he’ll stalk his prey in the dark, empty halls,of the school. Striking when his victims are alone. And just as the spotlight falls upon the newly crowned king and queen, the killer will make sure that everyone knows what his favorite game is.

I bought this movie back in 2004 on DVD. It was a terrible print though; it was dark and horrible quality. I re bought it in 2007 when Echo Bridge released it on DVD. This copy was much better, I could actually see the kill scenes.

The score by Paul Zaza and Carl Zittrer is pretty tense too. Zaza also did the score for A Christmas Story, My Bloody Valentine, Porky’s as well.

This movie came out in 1980 and spawned off a few bad sequels. It also got a remake in 2008 in which I have not watched yet. I’ve heard nothing but negative things so I never checked it out. Maybe I will soon though.

The first Prom Night was a box office success and received favorable reviews. The movie is a fun typical 80’s slasher that set the plate for the generation. If you like horror--80’s horror at that--definitely go out and get a copy. Just make sure it’s the Echo Bridge release so you can see the blood!

12 days till Halloween.


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