
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

31 Days Of Horror Day 31: Carpenter's Halloween & Halloween II

Director Jason Christopher ends this special month long event celebrating horror on a VERY high note rightly talking about John Carpenter’s Halloween from 1978 and its 1981 sequel Halloween II...

The mother of all scary movies and it really isn’t because it is taking place on the best holiday ever. John Carpenter put out one of the best horror movies in general, scaring millions of people. The best part is there was not that much blood and gore used to scare the people. It was more old-fashioned horror: lighting, music, and tone.

On a black and unholy Halloween night years ago, little Michael Myers brutally slaughtered his sister in cold blood. But for the last fifteen years, town residents have rested easy, knowing that he was safely locked away in a mental hospital…until tonight. Tonight, Michael returns to the same quiet neighborhood to relive his grisly murder again…and again…and again. For this is a night of evil.

Young filmmakers that set off on a life long career for them made this little independent movie. This movie even jump-started the scream queen’s career, Jamie Lee Curtis.

I don’t recall the first time seeing this movie but I assume it was on TV. I feel like Rob Zombie enjoyed that version too and motivated him more to write the origin of who Michael is. I remember the first time I watched it on VHS though and of course I was terrified at such a young age. Later getting the holographic DVD for a birthday present. I later kicked the DVD and bought this on Blu Ray, which looks great.

Last night I had the pleasure of finally seeing the movie in the theater. It was real amazing to see it on the big screen in the pitch black dark with the sound cranked! Watching people jump and laugh at the right moments means that the great movie continues work.

I love Halloween 2! I love Halloween 2 so much I watch this movie more than the original and I honestly don’t know why I enjoy Halloween 2 more than the original. I would LOVE to see this movie on the big screen. I saw someone tweeted the other day that, I believe, was The New Beverly screened this movie last weekend on 35mm! Ugh!!!

Picking up exactly where the first film left off, Halloween 2 follows the same ill-fated characters as they once again encounter the knife-wielding maniac they thought had been left for dead. It seems the inhuman Michael Myers is still very much alive and out for more revenge as he stalks the deserted halls of the Haddonfield Memorial Hospital. As he gets closer to his main target, Dr. Loomis discovers the chilling mystery behind the crazed psychopath’s actions.

This movie has probably one of the tensest scenes in it, the ending where Laurie is running away from Myers in and around the hospital.

This movie did lack in the music department. I really wish they used the original score but they didn’t. Carpenter must’ve wanted to fit in with the 80’s style music. This one also focuses more on the bloody aspect of horror, which I don’t mind. Like the kid with the razor in his mouth? That’s some rough stuff there. I love the part when Myers’ lifts up the nurse by the scalpel. Loved it so much that I bit off the piece in my own flick. All in all I really enjoy Halloween 2.

This was also one of those things where I saw the TV version before actually seeing the real version. Then I saw it on VHS followed by Goodtime’s DVD release, which was awful. Then Universal put it on Blu Ray and I was pretty stoked about that until the Scream Factory Blu Ray release. F the Universal release. Scream Factory released an amazing Blu-ray. TONS of special features, commentaries, the whole nine yards. They even put the TV version on a DVD as a bonus feature and my lord it’s so silly. The editing itself made me shut it off. Can’t believe this is what I saw that turned me onto the flick in the first place.

The first two Halloween’s are really good. Then they went off and produced a ton of others, rake in that money! Halloween 3 is actually really enjoyable but would’ve been better if it stood alone and was titled something else.

Halloween 4 was the return of Michael Myers and the introduction to Danielle Harris. Which it was okay, nothing to jump for. Halloween 5 was the same boat as its predecessor.

Halloween 6 was the last one for Donald Pleasence, he died shortly after filming. Halloween H20 is actually really enjoyable and definitely my third favorite out of the franchise. Then you got Halloween Resurrection…this is where it just ended, thankfully.

All in all they’re all fun movies and entertaining to watch. Hopefully everyone is watching them today!

That concludes my 31 horror reviews on all sorts of movies! Maybe I’ll come back and do my favorite Jean-Claude Van Damme movies……hmmmmmm

Happy Halloween.


Thanks Jay It was FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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