
Saturday, October 06, 2012

31 Days Of Horror Day 6: Fire In The Sky

Jason Christopher is back...Today he sees a Fire in the Sky--An autobiographical alien abduction case--as this special month long event celebrating horror movies continues!

Fire In The Damn Sky! This movie is…what I like to call, realistically scary. Back in 1993, this movie came out. I remember two things: My Dad renting this one and me almost crapping my pants. The movie states it’s based on a true story and who knows if this is even real, but if it is…it’s pretty creepy.

A group of men who were clearing bush for the government arrive back in town; claiming that aliens abducted their friend, Travis Walton. Nobody believes them, and despite a lack of motive and no evidence of foul play, their friends' disappearance is treated as murder. The movie starts from the incident that happens and cuts back to getting to know Travis. Then follows through all the way up to the incident and its aftermath.

Days go by and there’s no sign of Travis. Mike then receives a phone call from Travis. Travis now is a completely different person and has to deal with his past and knowledge that aliens abducted him.

For the longest time, I thought that this movie was made for TV, but it wasn’t. Paramount released the movie. The film stars: Robert Patrick as Mike Rogers, the closest friend to Travis Walton played by D.B. Sweeney. I ALWAYS forget that Peter Berg is in this movie too. C’mon, ya know who Pete Berg is; he’s the guy who made this past summer's Battleship movie! Before he was out directing box office sinking ships, he made awesome movies like: Hancock, Very Bad Things, and The Kingdom.

This movie scares the crap out of me, particularly the ending scene when it shows what happened to Travis. The aliens in the movie are pretty much what I think aliens would look like, if I were to see one. The last segment where the needle comes close to Travis’ eye!? Man oh man! The segment I’m talking about makes watching the movie worth every second just to build up to this ten-minute segment.

I couldn’t find the movie anywhere for the longest time. When a video store was closing down by me, they had Fire In The Sky for sale on DVD. I watch this movie maybe once every other month. It’s an all around a good movie. It’s not like gory, or anything like that. It’s realistically scary. I’m telling you the ten-minute segment where it flashes back is some serious stuff. I remember showing the film to a friend a couple years ago and they were so scared. They walked out of the room.

It doesn’t always have to be a slasher flick! Alien movies are cool too! Try to catch a this movie somewhere. It’ll probably be on SyFy this month. 

Next up, a double feature as the days are counting to the greatest holiday, ever! 25 days left till Halloween.


I am curious to find out which films Jay will discuss tomorrow as his series rolls on...

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