
Monday, October 08, 2012

31 Days Of Horror Day 8: Evil Dead 2

Jason Christopher discusses 1987's horror comedy sequel Evil Dead II as this special month long event celebrating horror movies enters week 2!

Yes, it’s pretty typical to have this movie on any countdown to Halloween. Truth is, I used to hate these movies... I was going to do this as a triple feature, Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness. I decided to just put Evil Dead 2 on the list.

You watch Evil Dead and this whole movie happens, becomes successful, happy ending and all. Well, Sam Raimi and Scott Spiegel seemed as if they were making a whole new movie with Evil Dead 2. Acting as if the first one never happened. This beginning is retold and done differently. When you kick to Army of Darkness it follows the events of Evil Dead 2 forgeting the first one!

Bruce Campbell plays Ash, he takes his girlfriend Linda to a cabin in the woods. Once inside the cabin Ash plays a tape that explains that the cabin belongs to a Prof. Raymond Knowby who was busy translating passages from "Necronomicon Ex Mortis", the book of the dead. As the tape translates one of the passages, it awakens an evil force that possesses Linda. Ash must put the evil force back in its place before bad things happen.

When I was in my early teens, I hated Evil Dead and everything about it because I heard some people trash the movie. At this point I only had watched some of the film. When I got older and I decided to watch the first one. Not bad, watched the second one, cool stuff, Army of Darkness, fun friggin’ movie! So I was an idiot and listened to other people. Completely enjoy the trilogy now.

I’ve been a fan of Sam Raimi since. It wasn’t until we dropped the “Down The Road” teaser trailer a website said that this is Jason Christopher’s Evil Dead and that I could be potentially be following in the footsteps of Sam Raimi. That was like the biggest compliment someone could have ever given about the flick and myself. So, after that, I went Raimi crazy. Bought everything that was on the shelves, Darkman, The Gift, Spider-Man, I went bananas!

All in all, Evil Dead 2 and its trilogy is a fun watch. It’s quirky and exciting. The second and third one have the most comedy. Evil Dead is a fun watch but you could, if you want, skip that one and go with Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness.

23 days till Halloween


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