
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Damon Nixes Bourne Comeback

A new Bourne film with Matt Damon back in the lead role? Not a chance

Damon hasn't seen "The Bourne Legacy"-with Jeremy Renner (taking over for Jason Bourne playing Aaron Cross)  yet, but told Movieline that since the fourth film shares continuity with the three previous films then any further 'Bourne' films (with or without him) would have to acknowledge the events in 'Legacy'. That's something he's not up for doing

"...from what I understand, it kind of relives ["The Bourne Ultimatum"] from a different perspective. What that means, because they use our actors and characters, is that whatever they said [in 'Legacy'] is true and so we'd have to acknowledge it in any Bourne movie that we'd do. And that makes it really tough. I don't think we can do the Dallas it-was-all-a-dream scenario. I don't think the audience would go for that after they paid money to see a movie."

"Bourne" producer Frank Marshall's dream is to have Damon and Renner team up in the same sequel...

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