
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trio Admitted to JFK Themed "Parkland"

Paul Giamatti, Billy Bob Thornton and Jacki Weaver have joined "Parkland"--about President John F. Kennedy's assassination says THR.

The title refers to the hospital where JFK was pronounced dead, his assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, died two days later, and Oswald's killer Jack Ruby died several years after that.

There's no word on the roles that the trio of actors will play

Writer Peter Landesman is set to make his directorial debut on the film which chronicles the fateful day and private citizen Abraham Zapruder's famous film of the event. Landesman also penned the adapted screenplay from a book by the famed Vincent Bugliosi

Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman are set to produce the pic.

The project will film in Austin, Texas soon for release next year in time for the 50th anniversary of the shooting.

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