
Monday, November 19, 2012

Special News Alert!

I turn things over to director Jason Christopher to tell ya the GREAT  news...

"So here it is!...the flick is now titled Nobody Gets Out Alive  (still Punishment overseas). The movie will be released via stores, Redbox,, etc. on 2/26/13.

A new poster is coming soon but a new trailer with distributor's name on it coming more soon.

The flick will be released by IImage Entertainment- home of Holliston TV Show blu ray, The Twilight Zone Blu-rays, Jessica Biel's The Tall Man, Spike Lee's new joint Red Hook Summer, Chillerama, and Laid to Rest!

I spoke with the marketing team Friday and their really excited about the movie! I need everyone to please go LIKE the new Facebook Page and help spread the word! See ya's 2/26/13!!!!"

Comgrats to Jay and Deven Lobascio. More soon!

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